Industry Trends: Leveraging the "Like"

A recent article in All Facebook states that “almost 65 million Facebook users “Like” things daily.”  The “Like” is not only a way for fans to show their allegiances online, but it is also a great way for various pages to directly and easily track their popularity.

This is particularly true in the sports world, where fans can proudly display their various team allegiances, but teams can also track their following.  Teams can also stream certain information directly to their followers, further incentivizing the “Like.”

Teams, recognizing the value of the “Like,” have launched creative campaigns aimed at increasing their following.  Below are a few of the most creative “Like” campaigns:

Landing Page Arrow
This is the most common technique used by teams to leverage the "Like."  All MLB teams, and several other professional sports teams, have a landing page that encourages fans to click the “Like” button.  MLB teams have a very clean landing page with a distinct box at the top of the page pointing towards the actual “Like” button.  This is an effective format because fans are not bombarded with information, and instead focus on the “Like” button.

In-game Promos
Another more creative way teams have encouraged fans to “Like” the Facebook page is by launching in-game promotions geared towards their Facebook presence.  The Seattle Mariners, in particular, launched Facebook Fest, during which they gave away Facebook themed t-shirts.  This is a great strategy to increase Facebook following because not only are fans at the game directly aware of the Mariners on Facebook, but every person that wears their shirt outside the stadium will continue to spread the message.  The Facebook “Like” allows fans to show their allegiances online, but this innovative promotion blurs the line between online and in person displays of allegiance.

Invite Friends Landing Page
Without a doubt, Manchester United has the most innovative and effective “Like” campaign of any sports team, and arguably of any company in general.  The landing page not only directs the user to click the “Like” button (while incorporating player pictures), but it also allows users to send Manchester United Invitations directly to their friends.  This is a brilliant strategy that allows fans to channel traffic to the site.  The fans, who are often the most spirited supporters of the team, are allowed to become team marketers as well.  With more than 7,400,000 “Likes” already, it is clear that Manchester United is ahead of the curve when it comes to leveraging the “Like.”

It should be noted that the “Like” is not the have all end all of the Facebook relationship.  Teams still need to provide interesting and interactive content to keep fans coming back.  That being said, the “Like” is a very important first step in establishing that relationship, and as revealed in the examples above, teams are going to great lengths to ensure this bond.

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