5 Ways Teams Use Facebook to Drive Sales

Facebook has long been a powerful social networking platform, but it is also quickly becoming a valuable retail platform.  Scott Galloway of L2 ThinkTank says, “40% of Facebook users follow a brand and 15% of those fans intend to make a purchase from that brand within 60 days.”  As more brands establish their social media presence, it is only natural that they look for ways to capitalize on this large pool of potential customers.

This trend towards Facebook commerce is particularly prevalent in the sports industry.  Here are 5 ways that teams are using Facebook to drive sales:

1.) Team Shop: Miami Heat

The Miami Heat launched the “Shop HEAT” Facebook store in December of 2010, becoming the first NBA team to launch an exclusive retail store within Facebook.  The store utilizes Conversational Commerce™ technology, which engages fans directly through their newsfeeds.

The Facebook storefront is a valuable tool because it drives sales directly through the Facebook page.  It brings the shopping experience to Facebook, allowing fans to look at merchandise without leaving the site.  These team stores are very effective because they integrate traditional online sales with the social media experience.

2.) Facebook Ads: Manchester United

Manchester United is one of the most popular teams on Facebook and are they are constantly finding creative ways to leverage this social media popularity.  For example, the team turned to Facebook Ads to promote their North America tour in July 2010.  This video highlights how the team utilized geographic and interest-targeted ads to sell-out every game.


Facebook Ads are ideal for driving ticket and merchandise sales because they allow for direct demographic targeting.  Teams can directly target potential customers based on age, location, and even favorite sports teams. 

3.) Ticket Promotions: Cleveland Indians

Another effective way to drive sales is by offering discounts on tickets through Facebook.  The Cleveland Indians have fully embraced this strategy with their recent social media campaign.  The team regularly offers coupons and discounts through their Facebook page, directly engaging their social media fanbase. 

Coupons are great for boosting attendance, interacting with fans, and driving later sales.  In this article from AdWeek, eMarketer senior analyst Debra Aho Williamson states, “coupons remain a leading driver of brand interactions in social networks.”

This was a post I recently wrote for Sports Marketing 2.0.  You can find the rest of the post here.